April 7, 2010
Albert Einstein and Socialism
Filed under: fundamental ideas – camino
socialista @ 3:42 a.m. Tags:
Albert Einstein, science and society, communism, communitarianism, socialist economy, einstein wise, socialism
Albert Einstein, science and society, communism, communitarianism, socialist economy, einstein wise, socialism
Albert Einstein arguably the greatest scientist of the
twentieth century, was a man who has passed into history for his discovery of
the theory of relativity, peculiarly this lover of physics also had his ideas
about politics, it is more political orientation was a socialist, indeed his
view of capitalism is that it had two big negatives:
"First, means of production (capital) are
owned privately and the owners dispose of them as they see fit; second, the
labor contract is free. Of course, there is no pure capitalist society in this
sense. In particular, it should be noted that the workers, through long and
bitter political struggles, have succeeded in securing a somewhat improved form
of "free labor contract" for certain categories of workers"
Einstein says about this:
"I am convinced that there is only one way to
eliminate these grave evils, namely the establishment of a socialist economy,
accompanied by a social goal-oriented education system. In such an economy, the
means of production are owned by society and used in a planned way. A planned
economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute
the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a
livelihood to every man, woman and child. The education of the individual, in
addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him
a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of
power and success that in our present society."
Although it was a great physicist and not a
sociologist that will not stopping Albert Einstein reach these conclusions make
it clear that there will always be those who dare to tell the truth about such
a cruel and voracious policy as it is capitalism, and also It demonstrates that
socialism as such never die.
The 'problem' workers
March 29, 1883 write a chronicle of the civic funeral in New York surrender to
Karl Marx, who died that month. What does the great revolutionary? "As I
took the side of the weak, he deserves honor. But he does well pointing damage,
and burns with generous soft eager to put the damage remedy ". That is,
it's okay to have thought of the poor, has a generous and Christian soul, but
not "taught soft remedy" but violent Karl Marx studied how to build a
more egalitarian society, "but ... (again" but " ) went quickly,
and somewhat in the shade. " Interestingly Martí, a contemporary,
recognize that Marx was a revolutionary, which still deny social democrats and
intellectuals 'Marxist'. The accusations are clear, even in the poetic language
of Martí: Marx was a conspirator ( "in the shadows") and advocated
violent solutions to social problems. Martí in the same article states that the
American worker is cautious nature, and could prove "if not virtieran her
ear their feces hate the most distressed and angry Europe. German, French and
Russian guide these days. " Foreign conspiratorial theory opposed to
gentle creole, which was the workhorse of Argentina's repressive oligarchy is
assumed here by Martí. In another chronic (27 April 1886) will say that the
violence of the workers because they do not bind "the brakes of
group of chronic belongs to 1886, when a wave of strikes insurrection breaks
out in the United States, claiming eight hours. Martí recognizes that the
claims originate in misery, but does not approve of the methods of struggle to
conquer them. "Willingly has not been given anything: it (the working
class) had to go it snatching all. By the organization, by the strike, the
siege - they call now 'boicot'- always by violent means"
He speaks of
the worker danger and remedy: "The danger lies in the absorption of public
rights by demanding and unforgiving workers: do not want to use but that they
please, and are partners; They deny companies the right to fire employees, seek
to impose as foremen of factories to workers who are unpleasant to own them;
hardly any right to remain owners and entrepreneurs in their factories and
companies if it would agree to everything they ask the workers. The remedy lies
in the vivacity that has glimpsed the danger, and the hand showing peace people
hand in hand to reject the working invasion. "Then Clap 'associations of
citizens' willing to face the workers.
It is full
of praise for the Knights of Labor. This was a trade union, led in those years
by Powderly, the more moderate wing and "abhorred strikes". And he
claims that the strikes did not leave their bases leadership but because the
Knights of Labor had "prohijar to the fans associations or
turbulent." And still Martí: "As for strikes and sieges, and is that
the country recognizes its reasons, but will not support long excesses".
It should be
noted here that Martí, while praising the wisdom and moderation of Powderly and
the Knights of Labor, does not identify with them, it is identified at all
times with public opinion of a supposed middle class recognizes that the
workers ask for their demands but rejects the class struggle. Martí, several
times in his articles, advocates arbitration for mediation. For example, at the
southern railway strike, "a board of citizens to the best of San Luis
intervened long as mediator between the workers and the railroad." And
says when and repression unleashed: "It is a general trend to the general
arbitration, attention to major problem, faith in public wisdom, and as a
legitimate pride, which is already noticeable, to see how the air of freedom It
has a strong virtue that kills snakes ". Martí is that the air of freedom
can only be achieved by killing snakes that poison the air, not the wealthy
snatching its unique treasures, generators misery.
With the
wave of strikes in 1886 a "commission of arbitration" in Washington,
where involved both "Jay Gould, hard and dismissive millionaire who
presides over the rail, but not in the public affection" and Powderly,
conforms "the great master of the order of the Knights ". Martí,
being located in the center, does nothing but get in the point of view of
public opinion, the state as an entity that defends the 'common good' and
'public interest', the representative of "all citizens". While
arbitration committee meets, whether it is the police crack down on those who
follow in the strike, with the approval of Martí and Powderly, because then
better breathe the air of freedom '.
Coronation of the repressive work that was downloaded over 1886 strikes was the
imprisonment, trial and sentencing to death of 5 anarchist leaders after his
death are still known today as the "Martyrs of Chicago". Symbol of
the struggle for the eight hours of work, a Socialist Congress in 1889 decreed
that since 1 May 1890 all workers of the world is manifest in unison for their
demands, as a day of international struggle. In the United States the trial and
execution of the labor leaders generated a great debate, because the same
government tried to be a exemplifying punishment.
Martí (like
his 'friend' Powderly, leader of the Knights of Labor) supported the execution,
calling the crudest words victims: "miserable, unable to carry on his weak
reason the dangerous and enormous weight of justice "" breeding
murderers "," men of sickly spirit or maleado by hatred. "He
cites the prosecutor, and not retorts, who says that anarchists" rotted
like vomit vulture, everything that reaches its shadow ". Mouth filled
with hate, Martí agrees with the prosecutor and the verdict, then justifying
the death penalty.
In November
1887 the four anarchists carried to the gallows (the fifth committed suicide in
jail shortly before) and Martí write a review about it. Partially changed his
tone: now denounces the vices of judgment and false testimony (in its initial
chronic especially emphasized that even "the same friends" of the
defendants testified against him). In addition he accuses the right-wing
newspapers painted the anarchists as "harmful beasts". And what did
the same a year earlier Martí? Nothing other than being carried away by the
'public opinion' and be pressured by 'reasons of state', participating in the
national delirium calling for the head of the leaders of the workers' revolts
in Chicago.
Martí was
able to escape the judgment of history, concealed by deifies-mers and
glorifying the 'Apostle' (as they call it in Cuba) who believe they have
overcome the 'cult of personality', seeing that even this minor feature of
Stalinism lorepiten endlessly day after day with the old and the new leaders of
the social movement. What will all 1st May in Cuba? Did they shall bring out an
article in Granma playing the insults of José Martí to the martyrs of Chicago?
A "American scene"
Isabel Monal
(4) is right to emphasize the importance of support from Martí Henry George. He
was a journalist and political populist who gained notoriety with his book
Progress and Poverty. He rigged in misery by capitalism denounced and offered
as a solution to nationalize land lease by the State to all who work and payment
of a single tax equivalent to the income produced. Highly successful in the
United States in the 80s, their doctrines were very supported by the Irish
(especially by sectors of the Catholic Church) and intermarried with the
Narodniks (Populists) Russian. Very Martí taste for moderation, the abundance
of biblical quotations and angelic air of his harangues, Cuban said George was
"the healthiest and naive reformer who studies the problem of work
today." Marx, however, opined that represented the 'last attempt possible
to devise an economical solution to poverty without departing from the
framework of capitalism.
This good
Henry George was presented in 1886 as a candidate for mayor of New York, and
Marti gave his unconditional support and gave it a part of the Catholic Church,
the moderate wing of the unions (Powderly) and the Socialists, George spider
victory, taking 70 thousand votes. The next year presidential elections and the
Kingdom Labor Party George threatens to break the bipartisan alternation of Democrats
and Republicans are produced. However, eager to win the votes of the middle
class, break with the Socialists and reaffirms his moderate positions on the
labor problem. This buries his candidacy and descend their votes in New York to
30,000, less than half the previous year. Martí, after celebrating the
purification of leftists who perform George, he reproached the Socialists who
had not given their votes to his 'apostolic' candidate.
From this
experience, Henry George is going to be decidedly anti-socialist, while Marti
will strengthen the anti-socialism that already boasted above. Isabel Monal,
however, thinks that American populist experience, Martí gives a twist to their
ideas and begin to support the struggles of the oppressed classes against the
capitalist oligarchies, "as you would interpret his writings as a whole
and not by single sentences ", ie anywhere. However, the reality is that
this political support is all a 'democratic' political definition for Martí,
because it is a center-left candidacy as abounding hundred years later
throughout Latin America, breaking his left to win the class media and flirt
with the powers and for that reason shipwrecked between two banks, one of which
recently abandoned and another rejects by unreliable.
The candidacy
of Henry George and his break with the Socialists was a decisive event in the
history of the American labor movement. He defined directions and caused the
restructuring of socialism and trade unions. His strength lay not so much in
the labor movement and the defeat of this one in the great strike of 1886 and
was the first attempt to unite the petty bourgeoisie by the proletariat behind
it. José Martí, attentive observer, was no stranger to these designs.
Cuban working class and the war of independence
All claims
to justify artificial Martí, the most fanciful is the one that says that the
proletariat was not yet developed and therefore the only "political and
epistemological horizon" the poet was the national revolution and
independence. Actually, when beginning the war of independence, the Cuban
proletariat and had great organizational and political development. Unions
numbered in the hundreds and thousands affiliates. The most important industry
in the cities was the tobacco and this was the main column of workers. The
first organizers workers' 70s, were reformist and pro-Spanish domination. But
in the 80s came many migrant workers in Spain, which had an extended labor
organization dominated by anarchism. These soon became strong in Cuba and led the
rise worker who lived on the island from 1887 until independence, counting
innumerable strikes and claims (snuff, construction, coopers, coachmen, etc.)
with huge demonstrations of solidarity by other guilds.
The working
process of organization and struggle of those years can be compared with that
occurred in Argentina recently by the year 1900. Not only because of the extent
and virulence of struggles but also by the feature that the anarchists
generally reluctant to all types of organization in Cuba (as in the Argentina
of 900) tended to unionize to unite all workers, creating the Sociedad General
de Trabajadores (SWG) and thus achieving overcome the reformists. Even one of
its most important leaders, Enrique Roig San Martin, died in 1889, had apparently
sympathy for Marxist socialism.
presents us with a totally different image of the independence of Cuba similar
to the independence period the rest of Latin America, where below the
landowners and a handful of intellectuals at their service, there were only
peasants, Indians and an incipient proletariat panorama, all they sunk in the
morass of servility and ignorance. In Cuba the independence movement, led from
the 80s by the petty bourgeoisie and intellectuals, had a combative proletariat
organized and led by a bellicose faction, at least in the eyes of the ruling
But keep in
mind that anarchists, opposed to any discussion of the state, were, in
principle, enemies of independence, in the sense that it could not support the
establishment of 'other' independent state. Therefore they refrained from any
pronouncement on the independence of Cuba with respect to Spain, where all
subjective and objective forces tended to separate the Caribbean island of its
domination, bringing it closer to the area of US domination. But as Trotsky
said, anarchists reject the policy until it one day grabs the neck, and so was
a labor congress of 1892, a proposal from the same anarchist leaders, a motion
which represented a shift in the stance adopted to independence, saying:
"it would be absurd that the man who aspires to individual freedom to
oppose the collective liberty of a people, although the freedom that people
aspire to be at that relative freedom that is emancipated from the tutelage
other people "(5). This "not object", which actually reflected
the intense pressure of the working basis on the libertarian leadership,
quickly he became a "lean". The anarchist leaders came into contact
with members of the Cuban Revolutionary Party, Marti, and not only gave their
support in Cuba but mainly in the large workers' colony on the peninsula of
Florida, where they had installed some tobacco factories Cubans in Tampa and
Key West. The nearly 30,000 Cuban workers working in the United States formed
the main base of assault by sea that broke out in February 1895.
The militant
organization of the Cuban working class is the real backdrop against which
decisions Marti referring to the launch of the independence uprising play. The
decisive turn of events is provided by the anarchists at the beginning, at the
workers' congress in 1892, the political subordination of the working class to
the bourgeois class leadership of the war. And that's not only the origin of
independence, but also the origin of the deification of José Martí, who could
manipulate to your liking anarchists leaders, preventing the proletariat had an
independent attitude v class to defeat the Spanish army.
Messonier, one of the main leaders of the SWG, was contacted and acted Martí
'link' between the anarchist workers in Florida and the PRC. In a letter on the
occasion of a workers' rally held in Cuba, he suggests "that the efforts
in the future carry out" the commission elected at the meeting,
"should be subject to the decision of the party (PRC), as a rule regulate
their actions. " Messonier, after the war, ended up as a vulgar anti-labor
leader and mixed bourgeois politics. Moreover, anarchism provided men, money
and various supports the independence army. The other great leader of the SWG,
Enrique Crecci, died fighting on the plains of Matanzas.
It is
constant in the history of anarchism observe correct an error with the opposite
error. Here in Cuba they objected to consider the issue of independence,
falling into the 'anti-statism' sectarian. Finally they were 'corrected'
completely subordinating to dictaos PRC. They liquidated union activity in
Cuban cities. Almost he disappeared and was handed reformist and pro je Spain
sectors. Despite all this, during the 4 years of the war there were numerous strikes
by concrete demands in different unions, which however were orphans of a
revolutionary leadership to guide your steps in the fight against the Spanish
While you
can not be the same responsibility as the anarchists, Carlos Balino, the only Cuban
Marxist those years, living in the United States, also joined the party Martí
and was one of its organizers.
Retamar, in the book Cuba: a revolution going on (6), states that it is not
acceptable to present Marti "as reformist or moderate: struggled to do for
your circumstances, most radical that the historical process would allow. Since
more action left was not then feasible historically a colonial country. "
But one thing is that in Cuba there was a more radical possibility of acting,
and quite another is that in the process of international class struggle Martí
could not see the scale and perspective taking the socialist and workers'
movement. The umbrella organization of the Cuban proletariat, his
combativeness, his internationalism (unlike Martí, supported the struggle
against the execution of the martyrs of Chicago, from 1890 commemorating the
May Io, etc.) shows that conditions were ripe to raise and develop an
independent policy towards the problem of war, it meant having an opposite policy
to the PRC of Martí, but maintain the organization, increasing the struggle for
their own demands and fight the Spanish government with the historical methods
of the working class. The 'most radical possible' policy in 1895 was it not for
Martí, but for the Cuban working class.
For these
reasons, the deification of Martí is a 'historical operating' of Stalinism
dedicated to vindicate the political subordination of the Cuban proletariat
during the war. That's the 'harmonious and wonderful' time which finally
Stalinism (international chupamedias of as bourgeois, progressive or not, let
them come under the 'legitimizing' umbrella) in which the "people"
and their leader 'natural' form one body, as devoted she joins Christ through
the wafer. Shouting "Nothing without Martí" are aware that defending
the 7th most radical political '1895 defended by lifting the 7th most
despicable policy' of tailing bourgeois, constant directions in the black
history of deliveries and betrayals.
foundation of the Cuban Revolutionary Party is now glorified by the PC as an
antecedent of 'single party' that governs the destinies of Cuba today. But it
is also glorified because it is the embodiment of a multiclass front, where the
proletariat, which was ripe vine have a voice, is compelled to act under the
discipline imposed by the oligarchy closest generals. Hit by Ramon de Armas
negative when he says that "there is a class conciliation, an
identification of interests or an alleged eradication of class
differences" (7). Handgun the PRC, amalgamation of all sectors of
immigration, is already the foreshadowing of the republic. But what the Cuban
republic is but a society where coexist different classes with antagonistic
interests and, ultimately directed (like the PRC) by the oligarchy and the
subordination of the Cuban working class to the PRC had two consequences.
First, a military. Another attitude adopted Marti cross would have had a
decisive support in the insurrection of the cities of western Cuba, which was
the most difficult area to conquer militarily. War, no longer guided by Martí
but his party was reduced to the countryside and outlying areas of Havana. And
although the Spanish army was defeated again and again, western Cuba seemed
impregnable. The war had n slow and painful course until the United States
decided to meddle and snatched the direction of the war to the Cubans
The second
consequence was the weakening of the proletarian organization and its leaders
rightward. The SWG was disbanded when the war ended, discredited by its last
support Spain. The plant that replaced it had no better performance. Bases
contained in a closed defense of the Cuban State against which would prejudice
him, and the working class itself turned her back soon. Anarchists were
captured for democratizing politics. Diego Vicente Tejera in 1899 founded a
reformist socialist party, which dissolves itself after a few months ...
because I had bad reception in newspapers and classrooms. Only in 1902 the
first circle of Marxist propaganda with Carlos Balino to the head cover. And
yet, the working class suffered in those years a famine and unprecedented
misery, product of war and US military occupation, and went to fight again and
again, showing that 'the little radical politics' of their addresses had not
fallen short of events.
In short, we
have done what we 'demanded' the Stalinist leaders Cubans have not taken Marti
of his time, we have not played outside the reality of his country. We have
done only a little empalidecer, contrasting with the brilliance that always
prints the working class movements which it participates.
Martí about socialism: Vision, review, visitation?
Pradas Vargas
I like it:
Among young
people today and those who were in previous generations, there is a martiano
text that has been whispered and still whispers by many as backbiting, as if it
were an "ideological sin" National Hero: Future slavery, first
published in 1884 in the magazine's America New York, and later compiled in the
15th volume of his Complete Works. Critical editions.
controversial nature of this article, as others that happened, typical of a
complex writer in his ways and ideas causes confusion in some to approach the
work of the Apostle, while slowly admit that socialism is " future slavery
"for allegedly so wedge it Martí and tend to become" sensitive
"reflection and therefore to handle it with some secrecy, prevarication
and morbidity. This happens especially in young people, the more often without
reading the text, they commented angrily.
The purpose
of this paper is none other than to encourage reading, in addition to
incorporate it, as has been achieved with the rest of the work of Martí, to
become one of the pillars that hold up what, in this author it has built our
character as Cubans.
slavery "is a suspicious remark about the eponymous essay written by the
English philosopher and sociologist Herbert Spencer, whose main theme is focused
on the presumed negative consequences of the implementation of favorable social
measures to the lower classes in England at the end of the century XIX.
In short,
Spencer speaks of a sort of dystopian future, result of the establishment of
socialism in their country, but warns it can be a global danger. In its
inference, the accumulation of functions by the State, such as the
nationalization of land and industry, and its conversion into the dominant
organ of society, would bring a social collapse that impoverish the poorer
classes for the benefit of, alleged and ironically, themselves; halt the
development of science and technology; poor working classes would become lazy
waiting for a state subsidy; the individual would die along with production
efficiency; an army of clerks would establish a dictatorial regime under the
power of the bureaucracy ...
Marti agree
with this premonition is exaggerated, however well-founded that has made the
philosopher and even though he could apparently have been fulfilled at some
stages of the worn Soviet Union and even in certain periods of the Cuban
Revolution. Especially the latter has been the reason for certain characters
within and outside the island, attributed the "vision" Marti and even
baptized soothsayer. However, rather than accompany Spencer's thesis, article
of the Apostle refutes this theory, without ridicule.
practically from the beginning of the text, reflected leaves its position
cataloging Spencer of "Greek citizen who counted for little with the lowly
people". Even after her sentence: "Whoever does not agree on the
altar of men, it is just unknown to them."
On one of
the lectures in English, in which this criticizes politicians posed welfare
measures for the votes of "paúperas classes", and thinkers of
socialism, a radical trend, "there are -defines Martí - more natural way
to heal the damage to remove root cause discontent, "says the Cuban:"
But this must be done so that the relief of the poor in promoting loafers not
barter; and this I have to route the laws dealing with relief, and not let the
humble people with all their reasons for revolt ".
West Indian
intellectual, we should clarify, direct their work towards a review which often
refers test Spencer has in a few lines all trouble spots, including small
examples used by the British to embalm the course condemned the precipice
system. And the Apostle faces a more palpable this in a few brief moments of
his accuser narrative tone. No disapproves, however, all the basics of Spencer:
"It is true that if it should so much benevolence that páuperos
necesitasen not work to live -a which can never llegar-, it would weaken
individual action, and taxing the condition of holders of some wealth, not
enough so to quell the needs and desires of those who do not have ".
is a town clerk! People, "warned Martí.
The young
thinker eluded the intellectual challenge of trying Spencer and argued for
social change. Danger announced, rather than "legislating forms of
evil" and "heal in its manifestations," he explained, "on
what needs to heal is at its base, which is silting, agusanamiento and decay in
which people live lower large populations, and whose misery (...) can certainly
greatly help them out clean, artistic, bright and airy rightly comes to giving
workers houses, because the human mind has a natural tendency to goodness and
culture, and in the presence of high, rises, and on how clean is clean. A more
than, cheap houses to give to the poor, cared only to give good rooms for the
same price we now pay for Casucas infect ".
Hence the
constant martiana solution. And this, as a prequel, his desire that the first
law of the Cuban republic was "the cult to the full dignity of man."
So, after
all the study "Future slavery" of Herbert Spencer, where socialism,
as this would make people slaves of the state and of office, the new bourgeois
in that abysmal future, Marti does not attack then unexplored social system, as
has been manipulated for decades by some, or as others have feared to mention
aloud as if it were a failure of the ideology of the hero of the Cuban
Martí preferred to give his vote. Because while those thinkers and radical
actors could fall into such disgraces, assumed the Cuban what if you can not do
is, as he reasoned Spencer, "reproaching the páuperos abandonment and
shame" and maintain natural modes balance the public wealth, said the
habanero, "is to keep naturally in anger, grief and despair humans fists
hunger gnaw on the same streets where walking sullen and erect other human beings
than the income of a year of its properties can cover all England guineas.
Then misuse
incomprehensible that for decades has made the martiana reflection on
socialism, but of course he ordered them to tell politics: "He errs, but
consoles! The consoling, never errs. "
Now ... you
could say that Martí invited to socialism to be wrong, according to Spencer, it
would be equal to exist? Was it the Apostle supporter of this ideology?
On 29 March
1883 he had already published the independence, as a correspondent for the
newspaper La Nacion, Buenos Aires, a note on the death of Karl Marx, in which
he recounted a ceremony held in New York in honor of the revolutionary thinker.
Too bad Martí did not write much about socialism and thinkers, but worth for this
study that document, because of its content and historical closeness to future
Marti's pen
did honor to the German philosopher; He described the event with enthusiasm,
admiration concurrent crowd that "teaches more muscles than jewels, more
honest faces silky cloth"; and from Marx, who stressed Martí, "he
studied ways to teach the world on new foundations, and woke the sleeping, and
taught them how to throw down the broken struts (...) man eaten the desire to
do good ".
However, he
reproached admired journalist: "It does no good pointing the damage and
burns in fearful craving to remedy, but it teaches white remedy the damage.
Frightens the task of driving the men over men. Abestiamiento forced unworthy
of men for the benefit of others. " Martí stood, above all, human life.
"But we have to find out the outrage so that the beast cease without
overflow and afraid". Certainly he continued to support the goal of Marx,
but not so incendiary proposed to achieve this.
It is safe
to say that Marti did not oppose the way of weapons on behalf of just causes.
In fact, since his youth he admired the independence struggles of Hispanic
America and Cuba, undertaken with sabers and rifles. For him, it was clear the
role they should assume the oppressed against their oppressors, but was not
very clear, apparently, this same relationship (and therefore the validity of
that confrontation) regarding social classes, either by distortions managed at
the time or their cursory study of historical materialism. Perhaps Martí came
to meditate well this matter and to coincide with Marx, or definitely diferir-
in its conclusions, but may have influenced his first mission, the organization
of a liberating revolution, will indicate not to emphasize the confrontation
between classes antagonistic same country, but to call the national union,
rather than highlight discrepancies.
Is then in
the realm of speculation imagine -culminada the "necessary war" brief
thought, scarce in blood- what Martí would have done, had he survived, as president
of the republic safe "with all and for the good of all". Would you
let lead the nation in the tension of the class struggle to really get the
"right to the full dignity of man"? Is the construction of socialism
would propose, taking risks or exceeding accused Spencer, in order to console?
Socialism of the XXI century
By: Armando Hart Dávalos
From the balcony of the Miraflores Palace, celebrating
the resounding electoral victory, Hugo Chavez proclaimed that those who had
voted for him had done for socialism. Chavez also noted the need to move
towards socialism of the XXI century, a native socialism founded on the
realities of our time and our peoples. It is left behind, forever,
"socialism" of the twentieth century Europe, that defeated "real
socialism" that was not precisely because it was not socialism. We collect
the lessons derived therefrom.
We welcome the old legal institution of Roman law that
the inheritance could be received no benefit of inventory to pay the debts. We
assume, of the inheritance, the ideas of Mella, Mariátegui, Gramsci, Che, Fidel
and Chavez, whose foundations Latin American and Caribbean ideas representing
Bolivar, San Martin, Sucre, Juárez, Alfaro, Martí and large socialist thinkers
of the twentieth century because what has triumphed is precisely Latin American
expression for unity and to play a role in either different world in recent
decades. Also, of course, we have the wealth of thought of Marx, Engels and
Lenin and his ideas about what should be socialism. This also worth talking
about in this article. Let's see what Frederick Engels said about it:
For us, communism is not a state to be established, an
ideal to be clamped to reality. We call communism the real movement which
abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result
from the currently existing premise. (one)
It was also Engels who said that Marxism is a method
of research and study, and Lenin, meanwhile, he said that Marxism is a guide to
With this method and this guide we should delve into a
key philosophical problem: finding the relationship between what is called
objective and what is called subjective. Unfortunately, many in the twentieth
century forgot that man is also matter.
Forward Hugo Chavez socialism of the XXI century! Now
up to the scholars and researchers to examine these issues in the light of the
great forgers socialist ideas, the key points of this thought, therefore, in
conclusion, I present three definitions, one of Carlos Marx:
"In a higher phase of communist society, when the
enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and with
it, the opposition between mental and manual labor; when the work is not only a
means of life but life's prime want; when, with the development of individuals
in all respects grow to full jet springs of collective wealth, only then can
the narrow horizon full of bourgeois law and society inscribe on its banner.
From each according to his ability; to each according to his needs "(2)
And these other none other than Don Benito Juarez:
"To each according to his ability, to each
capacity according to their works and their education. So there will be no
privileged classes or unfair preferences. "(...) (3)" Socialism is
the natural tendency to improve the condition or the free development of
physical and moral faculties. "(4)
The source of Latin American liberal movement and
genuine socialist ideal of Marx, Engels and Lenin are the keys to the roads to
travel for socialism of the XXI century. Congratulations you've gone that
"socialism" wrong, mediocre and alien to the essence of the best
universal culture.
(1) Ob. cit. T. 1, p. 35. (2)
Marx, Carlos. Engels,
Frederick. "Critique of the Gotha Program", Selected Works in three
volumes. Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1974. T. 3, p. 15. (3) Benito Juarez,
documents, speeches and correspondence. Work in 15 volumes, compiled by Jorge
L. Tamayo, published by President of Mexico between 1972 and 1975.
4. What is not efficient is not socialist
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
1. The Role
of the State
2. The state
3. The State
Enterprise Socialist
4. What is
not is not socialist is nor efficient
Efficiency of Capitalism
6. The
private property under socialism, private initiative, and the new economic
and real and true socialism
8. The
contradiction, unity and struggle of opposites
9. Good
social and individual interests and harmony.
1. The role
of the state in the real socialism and true
Leninism was
the political doctrine, and reflections on the analysis of the consequences of
Marxism and its implementation in social practice ... Lenin was very early
foresighted needs to use part of the lateness of capitalism exploit all its
benefits as an economic system and destroy in the only those considerations and
peculiarities that were ideologically incompatible with the new socialist
economic system to be implemented, thus was born the NEP (New economic Policy),
which far from being a partial return to capitalism was a temporary procedure
way to reach a lasting and pleasant with all fairer social distribution and for
the good of all ... I mean achieving a balance between individual interests and
the interests of society.
Thus they
were born the plans; planning and the first five-year plans with very specific
and concrete goals and that was precisely the difference in the participation
of the state as regulator and harmonizer of the economy by preventing capital
and only the market economy regulator and conciliatory role .This manifest the
state has often been misinterpreted, giving rise to different ways to
materialize and becoming a straitjacket elaborate plans and struggling with the
private sector as if it were his enemy and not reconciling it with global
interests society.! What a mistake!
these errors were repeated in China, Vietnam and the majority of so-called
socialist countries including Cuba, that is not a class struggle nor a
non-harmonic contradiction between the material and ideological interests of
private property and their disparate forms of expressions and global interests
of socialist nascent society named and then no doubt the financial and
industrial capital took advantage of these contradictions are not harmonized by
the state in its role as rector and born struggles of the individual and
private with global and social ... also the large bureaucracy has taken
advantage of these issues and corruption of leaders backed by the lack of
transparency in all economic efforts were slamming doors giving necessary to go
destroying these possibilities and this strategic union in global and
particularly ...
In all
places and in all cases where it has established the harmonious development
between private interests and global social interests and where transparency
has flourished efficiency and true socialism has expired.
There was no
need to have crisis blockbusters that deny the laws of supply and demand and
planning ... By the way there is ...
In Vietnam
the development plan for the five years through 2020 foresees an annual growth
of 7% 6,5- and an investment of 31% of GDP that after the NEP raised, but there
are still serious problems of corruption and lack of transparency that are
attacking the development of these purposes and then Vietnam has achieved a
very acceptable efficiency for a country that aspires to maintain socialism as
an economic formula even under those risks ...
2. The State
It has
been said of imperialism which is a state monopoly capitalism in its stage of
development and more recently and has become the domain of the global financial
oligarchies for total and absolute control of the forces of work taking them to
the slightest expression and its exploitation and especially this could not be
called efficient when not put in your central point man and his growing needs
of survival and if you put obtaining financial wealth including on material
called socialist in its various current forms also have a monopoly of the state
over productive assets and manage captively and with some limitations so-called
private initiative; those who have had more successes are and have been those
who have drawn closer to complementing the role of the private sector to global
social interests of society as a whole and have made this leave without
antagonistic being heard their demands contradictions and views and be
evaluated together the harmony that should exist between them and society as a
whole ... When this is achieved efficiency emerges and comes a new higher form
where it puts man at the center of the actual existing problems.
continues to be risks in these operations when we turn away from the necessary
link between private interests and social interests and if we add corruption
and lack of transparency among state accounts and distributions of earnings and
wealth to all sectors and lack of explanation, give the other banged the
possibilities of socialism ... This should really be raised as a problem of
ideological character ... all the above is saved by the democratization of
participatory forms of decisions and actions to take and absolute transparency
that guarantee maximum social equality and a maximum combat individual impunity
for officials and leaders who turn away from the lines and paths that should
lead to real socialism, possible and true .
there are the amazing results of all those countries that have embraced the
ideas and concepts of a new socialism and a new participatory democracy, with
all and for the good of all.
3. The State
Enterprise Socialist
socialist state enterprise born tainted by extreme bureaucracy choking and does
not allow its development, lack of confidence, the corruption, unnecessary
controls, lack of autonomy and lack of personal choices and flexibility to
changes, make of this activity, an entity very uncompetitive. To take all
measures that favor freedom of the state monopoly and full independence in
decision-making the socialist state enterprise would become the maximum
efficiency that can be achieved by putting the man once again at the center of
the problems .. .the way for the conversion of a socialist state entity in a
form of cooperative and collegial feasible and would address other variants
that can real socialism and true afford to procreate as an economic alternative
... Only the control methods should ensure sufficient independence including
operations related to the domestic and foreign trade. The State would act as
the principal shareholder and would require their collective address the
expected favorable results, but first and only long before reaching
cooperativization should be explored all the freedoms of action and direction
that the socialist state enterprise deserves.
4. What is
not efficient is not socialist
What is not
efficient is not socialist, those denials involve accepting only within
socialism efficiency is achieved and that capitalism as a model can never be
efficient when compared with the social system for workers and for the people
that develops low the real and true socialism and because we say real and true
socialism, because there are many systems that have used this name to name a
form of government that often moves away from the real and true socialism, that
is to say José Martí without being socialist designated or identified; partly
as a principle that the first law of the republic (No monarchy) should be a law
to restore full dignity of man and continued that with the poor of the earth
want their fate cast and the cooing of the Sierra is pleased more the sea and
finally said was to be done with all and for the good of all ... that's the
real socialism and true that it does not look at who do well regardless of
class, denying the altar that money, that that It favors the humble and created
for and by the humble, that with transparency in all accounts does not support
corruption or corrupt, does not accept exploiters or exploited, which is
essentially all and say all decisions of collective forms with democratic
participatory democracy than ever before, that only allows progress with the
consensus of the majority and admits neither tyrannies nor totalitarian
regimes, whether that is real democracy and hence its efficiency as vi looks to
satisfy the growing needs of man and knows how to distribute wealth for
everyone starting with the homeless, the one that does not support the financial
and industrial capital that puts man in his primary place of planning your
goals ... with this brief introduction we want then to analyze the role of SMEs
and private property within the real and true socialism and forms of its
manifestations that cause adding interests in favor of the objectives of
society without class contradictions and make individual interests correspond
to social interests ...
Man is not
the enemy of man, man is wolf to man, but man is the key to achieving the
necessary efficiency factor in every society, that is the task of real and true
socialism ... Only conscious man It produces surplus value
Efficiency of Capitalism
bases its efficiency in the exploitation of man by man himself, turning the man
into a wolf himself and devourer of its possibilities which puts the capital
and center of the system and not the man and makes man into a commodity the
called commodity labor, whose price and value will be governed by the laws of
supply and demand, then the pursuit of immigrants and seeking hand of cheap
work at any price is one of the basic objectives of capitalism and hence not
interested in social assistance schemes man and maintaining an inhuman
inequality that is it impossible to tolerate and support and for those reasons
be generated strikes and movements in search of better working conditions that
enable them to survive the system itself ... More this system has recently seen
a sharp change due to the intervention of finance capital making more and
inhuman system exacerbating inequalities and becoming more wealth in the hands
of fewer and in some countries becomes concentrated in certain families and are
unequally increasingly poorer and more poverty to further highlight these
differences. A. Giny in America, a high-value index which reflects the
inequality between rich and poor where ever it grows more and more thus
increasing proportionally the same social injustice ... This index measures is
estimated inequality of income distribution ... the closer the unit is worse
this country, so for example we have a Gini index of 0.71 in Namibia, or, 33 in
Spain, Chile 0,54, 0,57 in Brazil, 0 , 61 in Bolivia (Although this indicator
is changing rapidly), 0.48 in Venezuela, Colombia 0.54, 0.23 in Denmark, 0.23
in Sweden and 0.51 in Argentina ... we have selected only a few countries and
these figures vary from year to year depending on the efforts of states in
social programs and aid to the population and reduce inequality.
So we can
not talk about efficiency of the capitalist system and financial oligarchic
system that is only leading the world to destruction and the failure of
humanity itself and its existence which are consolidated through wars of all
kinds and through the military industry .
Planning is
and will be needed and the role of the state is and will be essential to ensure
greater equity among human beings. And then it born efficiency of the
productive forces motivated ever known ... What's stopping you? Today only the
role of financial oligarchies and capital.
6. Private
ownership within socialism-private initiative, and the new economic policy
In the
classics of socialism has been private property as a reflection of capitalism
and the accumulation of capital and was not related to the chances of finding a
commonwealth of interests between social and property represented throughout
the state and property private on means of production and capital.
There are
really no antagonism and if there are considerations to take into account ...
There are no antagonistic contradictions between private ownership and capital
in the hands of individuals and state and social property represented by the
state ... it is and will be part of the Socialist State Real and true search
and find the harmonic to ensure the development of society and ensure the
necessary harmony between the social and the private, between the state and the
individual ... ways war is not against private who earns his money by SMEs
honorably and through lawful means, war is against finance capital and against the
financial oligarchy and monopolies and transnational, forget this precept lead
us to big mistakes ... we must add to the SMEs and their creative initiative
within socialism and ... that which supports true transparency in its
operations and accounts and manages to put man at the center in making
decisions ...
Vietnam and other countries that have wished to advance along the paths of
socialism in its economic variants have been dabbling diverse experiences that
continue to be full of possibilities for improvements and errors that will be
corrected over time, but only in the attempts have already achieved high growth
and high levels of productivity which have been reflected in their GDP and
other economic indicators including reducing the marked differences in the
distribution of wealth.
It is not
about finding the enemy within the individual and within the private, it is to
harmonize and stimulate this sector of the economy as the most initiative and
flexibility to achieve great economic leaps and ensure social welfare and
public and the good life for all inhabitants.
When we
connect and establish the orderly link between individual interests and global
interests or society then the country is growing and will grow dynamically then
the distribution of wealth and not poverty will be made with all and for the
good of all accounts transparent in all cases ... human intelligence should
show the ways that break these apparent contradictions and the state will then
take charge of democratic and participatory in each of the measures
consultations and taxes and applying appropriate procedures to ensure justice
system seeking the necessary equity with adequate transparency in every way and
so the risks of bureaucracy and corruption, which must be repressed its peak
and its reduction would guarantee the success of socialism would be avoided and
true without arrogance and without erroneous voluntarism ...
7. The
private initiative and the new economic policy.
In the words
of Wikipedia; Small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in the
economy of all countries. Countries usually have between 70% and 90% of
employees in this group of companies.[two]The main
reasons for their existence are:
- They can perform individualized as opposed to large companies that are more focused more standardized products.
- Auxiliary tissue serve large companies. Most large companies use minor subcontractors to perform services or operations to be included in the fabric of the large corporation would result in an increase in cost.
- There productive activities where it is more appropriate to work with small businesses, such as the case of cooperatives.
And in
addition to all the above raised arrive SMEs sometimes up to 98% of GDP, ie are
not insignificant and significant figures take into account.
In Spain
micro enterprises up to 9 employees represent 95.5% of all businesses and in
Europe is estimated that 97% of all enterprises are SMEs, constituting the main
link in the economy.
reform developed in China through socialism with characteristics China started
in December 1978 was based on the principle of favoring the market economy
under the control of the five-year plans and other elements have made clear the
advantages of this system and deficiencies in terms of corruption and
bureaucratism that it has been generating only with the direct participation of
the party and the state are trying to gain control of the market economy and
the law of supply and demand considerable ideological cost yet not without
future control. The private sector grew significantly, reaching about 70% of
GDP in 2005, well above even some Western countries. And to the mid-1990s the
private sector exceeded the state sector and its consequences for the speed
made ... In 1997 and 1998 practically (except monopolies including the oil
industry and banking among others) go to the private sector and in 2005 only
30% of GDP belonged to the public sector ....
These rapid
movements left their footprints in negative social inequality through the GINI
index and created new circumstances including corruption at high level state
and private uncontrollably, which should be corrected in future and earlier
dates. The Gini coefficient China is estimated above 0.45,
comparable to many South American countries ... In the late 1990s, China had
already become the second country in the world in wealth inequality (ZimbabweIt was the first). For2003China overtook Zimbabwe and climbed
to first place. ..TheGini coefficient(Index) to China had already reached
0,417 since the beginning of 2000, above the danger level of 0.40,
internationally recognized. The situation has only gone from bad to worse:
August 17, 2004, Guangming Daily (China), one of the first three government
official journals of the People's Republic of China, published Chinese
government statistics revealed that the Gini index in China he had reached 0,54
All these
factors and actual disadvantages do be very careful about the ways and methods
to make it to the real and true socialism ...
In Bolivia
SMEs are the engine of development and represent 40% of national GDP. And they
come down the GINI index of social inequality and are getting great results
without significant economic and social costs politicos.dando step that many
small business entrepreneurs generate
Their own
self-employment, micro form their enabling them to cope with their self
Vietnam has
meanwhile been realized its new economic policy based on its possibilities and
interests and achieved high levels of growth but also social and political cost
remains a pending issue and solve be resolved.
All these
questions make us look and explore carefully the next steps regarding private
property under socialism and how they approach it, which must be added and
never subtracted and should be harmonized between individual interests and the
social interests that will be the success of the programs.
7.-PYMES and
the real and true socialism
A real and
true we call Socialism; in today's world there are so many left or calls left
there comes a time when we are totally confused with the nomenclatures, then it
is necessary to define the term socialism and our view today no longer talk
about what Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were trying not even the doctrinal
concepts of Lenin ... for example we have the XXI Century Socialism in
Venezuela, have Socialism New Type of China, we have socialism in Vietnam, we
have the movement for Socialism Bolivia, we Socialism of Cuba and many others
and in every country that aims talk and social justice and work for the welfare
of society and work for greater social and democratic equality then each with
their characteristics are called socialists his image and likeness .. .for we
all are valid as long as these principles and precepts are met:
1. They put the man as a social entity
and central solve problems
2. They deny the altar to the god of
money and put in place the consciousness of men
3. They deny the exploitation of man by
man and used the precept "adjusted" to each according to his ability,
to each according to his work in correspondence with the law of value and use
value in their training.
4. They fight for social equality and
individual rights, without leaders and citizens first, second and lower classes
other classes.
5. They have premised freedom, equality
and brotherhood among men and social justice for all alike.
6. They are based on the role of the
socialist state in the planned and market economy.
7. They manage individual interests
fraternize with global or social interests, and seek and manage the
distribution of existing wealth and achieved without huge and significant
differences between citizens and correspondence to social work.
8. SUPPORT their ideology on fairness
and transparency of all your accounts, submit it to all citizens and rely on
participatory democracy in the form of permanent and effective consultations.
9. They fight against corruption,
authoritarianism and other vices of capital an problems
10. They are based on what is not efficient
is not socialist
precepts are what really differentiate the socialists and leftist men and
defending the financial and industrial capital.
Based on
these concepts then the private sector will manifest within socialism without
contradictions, as all true socialist principles of leadership would take
advantage. And an administration mistakes proof of financial and industrial
capitalism would be achieved.
Given this
scenario SMEs would have no contradiction in their demonstrations as would be
achieved through harmonization of individual interests with the armonico
expected desired social development.
8. The
contradiction, unity and struggle of opposites
What are the
contradictions that are antagonistic and which are real struggles of opposites
... These are generated and created between capitalists whose only purpose is
to get more and more dividends at all costs and at the lowest cost, because the
prevailing system it requires do or die in the process, but when we set up a
system where man ceases to be the wolf the same time the reasons and elements
begin to emerge to show that a world and a better people is possible where all
fit and we can all enjoy and engage in different tasks in different ways and in
different utilities in correspondence with the work done without the
accumulation of property or wealth in a few hands is carried out and executed
in a manner where the interests and levels of participation are violated ...
that contradiction is harmonious and it is feasible to run between humans from
the contributions and work done by each ...
The state's
role is to ensure social justice and ensure that the individual interests of
the leaders of SMEs and their employees or workers correspond to the law of
value in use and the law of exchange value through the corresponding taxes and
license they should avoid unnecessary accumulation of resources and discourage
production assets performed and performing on one hand and stimulate social
expenditure and the subsequent use of profits and dividends in places and ways
that they established and stipulated. The accumulated capital must be used
logically by them that generated by applying the precept to each according to
his work ... the State shall provide the ways and means of using the profits
and wealth achieved in dignity with their work without become a straitjacket
for the private sector. And the accumulation of wealth must be handled
spontaneously without limits and the intelligent tax measures to stimulate new
job creation.
9. The
social products and individual interests and harmony.
society for its part and its state must guarantee all precepts to be truly
socialist and should guarantee equally without discrimination all rights and
property insured in a rich constitution as the source and foundation of public
discussion and enrichment, either actually the product of the new society we
all have decided by all and for the good of all, demonstrating the clarity and
full transparency of all your accounts to avoid the slightest doubt and the
smallest risk of lack of transparency in all its operations and to ensure that
the wealth obtained have been and will be distributed evenly and thus ensure
that the interests for which they work by state employer or by private
entrepreneurs through their SMEs and that these are in full correspondence with
social and in full harmony with the same interests ... This approach would
avoid any laceration to also be these individual interests backed by the full
access of citizens individually to all processed primary documents and these
form once again be fought and masking of corruption as a vice of capitalism
that replicates would be avoided in the socialist society ...
Finally we
can say that "What is not efficient is not socialist"
Before the
deputies of the National Assembly of Popular Power, the official informed about
the issues that most worried the population and which were the articles with
the greatest number of modification proposals.
August 15 and November 15 of this year some 133 thousand 681 meetings were held
for the debate of the preliminary draft, with an attendance of 8 million 945
thousand 521 people.
In these
meetings, one million 706 thousand 872 interventions were carried out, of which
783 thousand 174 proposals, (666,995 modifications, 32 149 additions, 45 548
deletions and 38 482 doubts). Likewise, 2 thousand 125 proposals made by Cubans
living abroad were received.
In 62
percent, favorable opinions prevail in the consultation process, and criticisms
in 3%. Therefore, the people validate the importance of including the opinions
of the population and highlights the role of the media.
the representatives will carry out an individual study of the new text and on
Thursday they will discuss it in three commissions. On Friday, December 21, the
drafting Commission will provide more detailed information on the Project, when
the Second Ordinary Period of the IX Legislature begins and the Magna Carta
proposal is submitted for discussion and approval.
Articles and
topics most commented
1. Article
68, related to the institution of marriage, received 192 thousand 408 opinions,
24.57% of the total consultation and was mentioned in 88 thousand 66 meetings
(66%). The majority proposed to substitute the concerted union between two
people and return it to be between a man and a woman as it is in the current
2. Referred
to the President of the Republic criteria on the duration of the mandate,
established in Article 121. There were about 88 thousand 39 opinions offered in
65 thousand 803 meetings. Although there were several types, the most frequent
was to eliminate the term limit (74,450). The other issue was related to
eliminate the maximum age or put a higher (24 thousand 365 opinions / in 20
thousand 135 meetings). The form of the election generated some 16 thousand 716
proposals (2.13%), raised in 12 thousand 804 meetings. The majority (11
thousand 80) asked for direct election and others proposed to eliminate the
election form. Finally, the lower age to accede to the presidency of the
country also generated controversy: 10 thousand 300 opinions asked to change it
for a greater age or that there is no lower limit.
3. On
article 31, there were some 46 thousand 968 interventions that asked to turn
the work into an obligation and another 6 thousand 922 that asked to increase
the remuneration of work, that is, the salary.
4. The
provincial government was another very discussed issue. Article 165 received 24
thousand 916 proposals to replace the name of Governor and about 11 thousand
289 on changing the designation as a way to get to the position by direct
election of the people.
5. The right
to legal assistance and the exercise of defense was treated in more than 182
thousand opinions, mentioned in 15,132 meetings. The right to a lawyer from the
moment of the arrest was the main claim.
6. The right
to decent housing (Article 82). On this subject there were 15 thousand 398
proposals in 13 thousand 182 meetings. The main interventions were to change
the term "worthy" for another.
All the
interventions of the population met in 9 thousand 595 "type
proposals". 50.1 percent (4,809) of them were accepted and 49.9 were
considered inappropriate from the legal point of view, "because they are
not constitutional content, details that have no meaning in the constitutional
logic, as doubts and questions," he explained. Homero Acosta.
The opinions
of Cubans living abroad were grouped into 978 "standard proposals,"
of which 391 were accepted, for 40 percent.
In total,
the drafting commission made 760 changes, ranging from a word or phrase to the
incorporation of a paragraph or full article. "Everything that helped to
improve the text we assumed".
As a result,
in the structure of the Constitutional Project 11 Titles, 24 Chapters, 18
Sections (two more are added), 229 Articles (five more) and eight preambular
paragraphs were modified.
Some 134
articles were modified, representing almost 60 percent. Three items were
eliminated and only 87 remain intact.
Taken from
Che and the current economic model
Second date
Che is so
admired, respected and beloved figure by all Cuban revolutionaries and all the
people of Cuba, and we are committed both to continue the legacy of its
principles, ideas and behavior that we feel worried whenever we must speak out,
establish and defend something new that could deviate or contradict that
legacy. That happened upon in the preparation of proposals for the First Party
Congress, it was necessary to develop a new system corresponding to the
Planning and Management Economics (EPDS) and then when approving it and apply
it. At that time we were fresh from the disastrous economic consequences of the
stage of idealism, subjectivism and voluntarism that took place in the last
half of the 60s, which were overstated, caricatured and distorted ideas of Che,
supposedly trying to apply with creative sense. These facts were recognized and
honored and courageously autocriticados by Fidel in his Report to the First
Party Congress.
As a
consequence and analyzed the internal and external situation of those years, it
was decided to apply an economic model that departed from the practice that
existed in all socialist countries, trying to adapt to our conditions and also
making it very carefully and with a rather conservative approach, as Fidel
To reach the
model that was finally applied, among other models and experiences, he pored
over everything that Che had done and written about the budgetary finance
system, for which proved very useful and complete the compilation of the work
of Che had made the companion Orlando Borrego and that there was a limited
edition 7 volumes, which was held by some colleagues in the Directorate of the
country. He also had access, but all, at least several of the most important
writings and notes he had made the Che from abroad in the years 1965 and 1966,
and were published only in 2012.
When we were
commissioned by the party leadership and the government deliver the closing
speech in the act of incorporation of ANEC, on June 14, 1979, we decided to
dedicate the speech to Che and to examine and propose, with the greatest
honesty and sincerity possible, the differences that existed between the raised
and proposed by Che and what was approved in the First Congress and was being
At that time
we reassured especially that the system that we applied the same objectives in
terms of efficiency and quality aspired Che, with planning mechanisms and similar
management in more than 15 aspects, which advocated Che. But also, Che had
written in the middle of his defense and proposing System was being implemented
in enterprises of the Ministry of Industry, in his article entitled On the
budgetary finance system "that" what we seek is a more efficient way
to reach communism; there is no difference of principle "and later stated
that" Steeped in subjectivism, the statement requires the sanction of
experience; if in the course of it will prove to be dangerous for the
development of productive forces brake, we should determine to cut their losses
and return to the beaten track ". (Compilation Volume I, pp. 187 and 191)
Today we
face a similar dilemma and I would say more complex when we examine the
economic model of socialist construction approved in the Congress VI and VII of
the Party, and reflected in the document conceptualizing, approved in the last
Congress and ratified later by the National Assembly of People's Power.
These days,
the 50th anniversary of his death, have been published and are still published
numerous articles and studies on the figure of Che and within the matters
discussed are of course those related to economic thought and roads
construction he was defending socialism, subject to which he devoted primarily
"the purest of their hopes builder".
When we
remember and remind us that Che was contrary to use what he called "the
dull capitalism" in socialist construction, which opposed attempts to use
the market and the law of value, to recognize the need for relationships
trading between state-owned enterprises, the use of banks, credit, interest,
profit and other capitalist commodity categories, advising based primarily on
the moral stimulus above the material stimulus, etc., and before we study the
Conceptualization document, we produced a first and strong impression that we
are moving away from Che and Che would not support economic development model
currently in our country but would criticize and would fight.
Beyond the
elements of the so-called system of economic calculation, of which at the time
disagreed at argued polemical works that are present in the current model, we
see that, in addition, this includes forms of ownership of the means of
production only found similar in Lenin oriented when the NEP, economic policy
whose universal validity Che refused. On the other hand, when we read some of
his recent pronouncements, particularly in the letter to Fidel April 1965 and
others in "Critical Notes on Political Economy" published in 2012, we
see them looming in socialist countries the failure of socialism and return to
capitalism, which unfortunately happened in fact only about 20-25 years after
he warned.
Given the
above, it is logical that we assails concern whether the conceptualisation
approved and implemented model contradicts the thought of Che and his legacy
and warnings.
something we must never forget when studying Che and his philosophical and
social economic thought, is that he was a convinced and profound Marxist and it
reiterated numerous times in his articles and writings, including the last
written in 1965 and 1966, appearing in "critical to the Political Economy
Notes". (See the Plan Tentative book he intended to write or posed should
be written in "Critical Notes" --edición 2012, pp 18 to 23--, the
accompanying article under the title ¨La need for this book. - in the same
issue, pp. 25 to 28--, and biographical synthesis of Marx and Engels that left
written and appearing on pages 29 to 52 of the own edition). And from the scientific
point of view, being a Marxist means first and foremost be realistic and
Che wrote that "must be a Marxist with the same ease with which he is
'Newtonian' physics or 'Pasteurian' in biology, whereas if new facts determine
new concepts, not a grain of truth never remove those other they have passed
"(see Notes to the Ideology of the Cuban Revolution. Compilation, Volume
I, pp. 353. underlining by the author of this article). It is clear that after
the death of Che and especially after the collapse of the USSR and the
socialist camp, have occurred extraordinary new facts, both the internal
situation in Cuba and in its external situation in the international arena, the
which determines the need for new concepts.
It is
impossible to draw conclusions about how Che think in the current situation of
our country and what are their proposals and considerations about it, and it
would be unserious to speculate about it.
I think the
most that can be done is to examine carefully and meticulousness approaches in
different circumstances, and see how derived and previously underpinned
policies to follow, from the specific objective situations existing at all
So in his
article entitled "On the budgetary finance system," published in
February 1964, it refers to the historical moment when Lenin laid the
foundations of the NEP and to explain the reasons for it, refer to Lenin and It
makes a long quotation from this, which argues why it was necessary to go on to
develop this economic policy. Then Che reasons:
"How is
the economic and political situation in the Soviet Union necessitated the
withdrawal of Lenin speak. As all this policy can be characterized as a tactic
closely linked to the historical situation of the country ...
"(Compilation, Volume I, pp. 182-184) (emphasis added).
afterwards, referring to the existing historical situation in Cuba and the
world in the years 62-64, times when he raised and defended the budgetary
finance system, argued:
can approach the task of building the new consciousness that we are facing new
forms of production relations and, although in general historical sense
consciousness is a product of the relations of production must be considered
the characteristics of the present age, whose fundamental contradiction (at
global level) is between imperialism and socialism. Socialist ideas touch the
conscience of the people of the whole world, so you can anticipate the
particular state development of the productive forces in a given country. In
Cuba the development of the contradictions between two world systems allowed
the establishment of the socialist character of the revolution, which was given
in a conscious act, thanks to the knowledge acquired by their leaders,
deepening consciousness of the masses and the correlation of forces in the
world (Ibid, p. 192) (the italics are ours).
In another
article in the same year, entitled "socialist planning, meaning"
which argues with Charles Bettelheim, French Marxist economist who advocated
for Cuba the system called Economic calculation, Che noted two fundamental
errors, one of which is relied on mechanical and dogmatic interpretation of the
necessary correlation must exist between forces and production relations. After
going back to a long quotation from Lenin in refutation of Bettelheim, Che:
argue that all this argument, absolutely valid and remarkable for their insight
at the time, applicable to specific situations in certain historical moments.
After those events, there have been things of such importance as the
establishment of the entire world system of socialism, with nearly a billion
people, one third of the world's population. The continued advancement of the
entire socialist system influences the consciousness of people at all levels
and, therefore, in Cuba, in a moment of its history, the definition of
socialist revolution, a definition that did not precede occurs, much least the
reality that already existed economic bases established for this assertion.
How do can
occur in a colonized by imperialism, without any development of basic
industries, in a situation monkey producer, dependent on a single market, the
transition to socialism? "
reasoning Che, "... our accurate judgment, is that in the larger framework
of the world system of capitalism in the struggle with socialism, one of its
weakest links, in this case Cuba, can be broken. Taking advantage of
exceptional historic and under the correct leadership of its vanguard
circumstances, at one point took power the revolutionary forces and, based on
that already exist sufficient objective conditions regarding the socialization
of labor, burning stages, decreed the socialist character of They undertake the
revolution and construction of socialism.
is the dynamic, dialectic, in which we see and analyze the problem of the
necessary correlation between production relations and productive forces ... we
conclude that in Cuba was a socialist revolution and that, therefore, there
were conditions for it. Because make a revolution without conditions, come to
power and declare socialism magic is something that is not covered by any
theory ...
"If the
concrete fact of the birth of socialism in these new conditions occurs, it is
that the development of productive forces has clashed with the relations of
production earlier than rationally expected for a single country. "(Pp.
in our system are pointed toward the future, toward a more rapid development of
consciousness and, through awareness of the productive forces.
Bettlheim denies this particular action of consciousness, based on the
arguments of Marx that this is a product of the social environment rather than
the reverse, and we took Marxist analysis to fight with him against Bettelheim,
to say that's absolutely true but in the current era of imperialism, the
conscience also acquired global characteristics. And this consciousness today
is the product of the development of all the productive forces of the world and
the product of teaching and education of the Soviet Union and other socialist
countries on the masses throughout the world. " (Underlined are all ours).
That is, Che
understood justified NEP in the moments when Lenin guided by the concrete
historical situation that existed then USSR, and explained why in Cuba was possible
to apply the budgetary finance system that defended and based in the
development of social consciousness, mainly because the global concrete
objective situation had changed.
He did not
deny the validity of laws discovered historical development by Marx, such as
the determination of consciousness by social way, ie, by the relations of
production and development of productive forces and the law of contradiction
and impact of the latter two as the basis of historical development. Che
accepted the validity of these laws, but the analyzed non-dogmatic and
mechanically, as if they should manifest itself in every historical moment,
working closely and framed in each country separately, but he interpreted them
dialectic and historically acting globally, in created new circumstances.
He took into
account, according to the analysis made, which since the time of the NEP until
the time that existed in Cuba in those years momentous changes as was the
establishment of the entire world system of socialism, covering had happened to
a third of the world's population and that derived from it, this time was a
fundamental contradiction of imperialism against socialism global levels, and
that these characteristics were those that allowed a country like Cuba could
declare the socialist character of the Revolution and given the task of
building socialism and do well by placing the development of consciousness as
the main engine.
objective circumstances of global character that Che referred to as existing in
the 60s of the last century, not currently exist, have developed other forces
and external contradictions totally different, with which Cuba is forced to
live together and inserted into the same and also domestic situation has also
changed significantly in many aspects of great economic social importance. And
as new facts determine new concepts, in the words of Che himself, the Cuban
Revolution has had to adapt to the new era and develop new concepts to develop
and preserve the socialist character of the process. These new concepts are
those that are reflected in the document called for conceptualizing.
I think it
is important, finally, bring up an article little or nothing known of Che
because only appears on the compilation made by Comrade Borrego (Volume I, pp.
87-93 of the first limited edition of 70) . The article is titled RUMBOS
Industrialization and although you do not have the exact date of when it was
written, it is virtually certain that occurred between the last quarter of 1959
and the first of 1960, period since the creation of Department of
Industrialization of INRA, October 7, 1959 --a whose head was the Che-- and
July 1960, when the stage of nationalizations essentially concluded in October
of that year, when practice begins in Revolution acquires a socialist, although
this was not formally proclaimed until April 16, 1961, on the eve of the battle
of Playa Giron.
Given the
historical situation of Cuba in that period, Che wrote in that article the
following, referring to the result of the work done by the Department of
division to study the broad outlines of the basic projects with the guiding
idea of putting these projects to serve the entire nation, with exclusive or
almost exclusive state participation was then established. They are: a) Power
and fuel, b) steel and metal in general industry, c) cane industry and its
derivatives, d) Chemical industry in general, e) mine development plan f)
agricultural industry. In this higher industrial level, the state will direct
all economic policy.
industries derived from these basic, but important, individuals and state they
may or may not be associated in a number of them and, in a lower plane, only
particular intervene in the overall industrialization of the country."
We see that
in the concrete historical situation of Cuba in late 1959 and early 1960, Che
proposed an ownership structure similar means industrial production that arises
today in conceptualizing:
1) The basic
means of production in exclusive or almost exclusive state hands. 2) In a
segment of industries derived from the fundamental means of production, but not
so important, with the participation of private and state with possible
association between property sectors. 3) A lower segment industries where only
intervene private property.
I believe
that if we take into account all previous references on the approach of Che, in
which a totally dialectical and practical thinking transpires, deriving social
economic policies to follow the concrete historical situation of every age and time,
not concepts dogmatists given once and forever, we think that Che would now
generally agreed with the contents in the document conceptualizing, including
regard to the new social economic model to implement socialist construction.
But in any
case, act and think like Che involves not be dogmatic even before the previous
thought of Che himself, as he was, as recently has rightly written in this own
blog comrade José Alejandro Rodríguez, the anti dogma in person and therefore
it today would not be dogmatic or the same.
meeting - February 22, 1964.
Notes, pp 276-277.) (Compilation, pp 438-4399.:
"... we
must also not fall into the illusion that moral encouragement to consider is
the center of the Budget System. The center of the Budget System is the set of
actions, in which the key is organization, the organizing ability to lead while
developing awareness and development element, especially mass levels at levels
more general, is the conjunction of the material stimulus applied correctly and
moral encouragement, giving an increasing moral encouragement, as they advance
the conditions emphasis.
"... it
is idealistic that everything will resolve the call of conscience, the moral
encouragement and that's the end all, and man eats and belly man is the one
determining its action, and ultimately that's true ... now the man's stomach a
little bit moved to the needs of man. Then it is no longer stomach as stomach,
but the stomach representing all the needs of man ... That is, when a man is
hungry, physical hunger, it lacks things to put in the jaws, it is difficult to
talk of other things, and major effort must be done to give those physical
things, whatever. And to think that an entire country will respond to higher
stimuli hungry, that seems to me a dream ... this issue of material needs is
very important to determine ... there are a number of needs that are vital and
these have to satisfy, if not meet them, indeed we can hardly move. "
Conceptualization, what and who your brakes?
Second date
After a
laborious process elaborations and reworkings discussions about conceptualizing
Document was adopted by the Party and ratified by the National Assembly of
People's Power, in the middle of this year. Just leave editado.Es a magnificent
document representing the new Program of the Party and the Revolution in the
current circumstances and that has its roots mainly in the Moncada program,
which was the first program, and the Programmatic Platform approved at the
First Party congress, which was the second program of the revolution and its
first for the construction of socialism. Conceptualizing, maintaining
essentially the same principles and objectives, represents an update and adapt
dialectical and realistic to the situation facing our process of socialist
construction, taking into account the internal situation of the country in
economic and social and international context which develops and is expected to
be conducted in the next inclusive, flexible, antidogmatic years.It is and I
think can and should be embraced and supported by all who share nation's Vision
for the future of our country, as expressed in the document itself and characterized
by maintaining independence, sovereignty and the socialist nature of the
process, perfecting our democracy and achieve a prosperous society and
sostenible.En recent comments sent to Granma and published in Segunda Cita,
Fidel Vascos rightly argues that the construction of socialism Cuba proposed
since 1961, with models that were considered the most successful and valid at
the time when we had the support of the Soviet Union and the so-called
socialist camp. Today we have no such support and it was necessary to rethink
the model of socialism we want and it is possible to aspire to. This is
reflected successfully in new aprobada.Es Conceptualization different in many
important ways the model that we now propose to apply and those that were
developing and trying to apply until 1990. And there is a lack of consistency
in the management of the Revolution and the Party. It is a realistic and
dialectical response to cornering and changes in the situation and was not
inconsistent acontecimientos.Como Lenin briefly when modified in three
successive occasions his ideas about ways and methods to be used to build
socialism. Are expressing different ideas when Lenin wrote The State and
Revolution in mid-1917, which raised during the civil war and foreign intervention
in the period of War Communism between 1918 and 1920 was called, and even more
different from those proposed in 1921 the application process of the NEP. But
three times the same principles and the same goals were present: save and
defend the socialist revolution in favor of the exploited and oprimidos.Frente
to sometimes abrupt turns, but dialectical and realistic workers, who had to
lead Lenin, he said among some of his own comrades of the Central Committee of
the Bolshevik Party a strong left-wing opposition, which he considered to
follow the guidance of Lenin was betraying the principles of the revolution and
internationalism. Later, about Bukharin, one of the Bolshevik leaders who led
at that time called leftist opposition, Lenin left writing in one of his last
letters to CC, without denying their intelligence and brilliance, he had never
understood the Dialectic . In all cases the story, interrupted by his death,
gave him reason to Lenin.Entre the important differences that present the
contents of the current conceptualization in relation to previous models, are
those of a greater role of market relations and overall market, incorporating
and openness within the forms of ownership, possession and management,
cooperatives forms in non-agricultural activities as well as private property
in the form of small foreign direct investment, of MSMEs (* micro and
medium-sized enterprises) and self-employed, which although subordinate to the
property of all the people of the basic means of production as rector of model-
are called to play an important role in the development of comprehensive
economic efficiency the generation of productive employment, deploy and promote
initiatives to say productivas.Es forces are present, albeit co mplementaria,
subordinated and controlled, capitalist or capitalist strong features within
the model to apply grounded in conceptualizing or current Party Program and
components Revolución.Por it did not seem totally judicious and favorable at
present to the principles of the conceptualisation, demonstrations like that
capitalism must be completely dismiss it as a source of experience to consider
because in no positive aspects to rescue. This could be considered in
contradiction with the conceptualisation and encourage latecomers factors
actuantes.Es possible, and do not deny that leveraging this juncture there are
those who want to push the process to go beyond the acceptable limits and do it
in an underhand manner, disguised and bleating of sheep, to slip capitalism by
the kitchen door. This is logical expect of right thinkers always exist and
which are or may be manipulated by the enemy, always ready to destroy our
Revolution for one or another vías.Pero it to blend into the same bag these
right-wing forces with revolutionaries who simply express criteria how to apply
more efficiently and faster postulates conceptualizing, including the best
possible management of capitalist components included in the model, there is or
should be left a long way, not treated as enemies or potential enemies to which
they are only voices manifesting own discretion ideas and proposals, mistaken
or not, that may differ in one or another point of the official criteria.
Voices with which it is logical that may differ, in a discussion between
revolutionary, trying to reach a relevant consensus criteria and a unit among a
plurality of points vista.Hay to avoid breaking the unity between the
revolutionary from criteria and paranoid extremist attitudes that see the enemy
by all partes.Si we consider the various latecomers enemies that act as brakes
on the model application and that Raul has referred on several occasions, we
see that among them are:
corruption, -the lack of control -the enough not change the mentality, -the
little sense of urgency, -the excessive expansion in the negotiating processes
of foreign investment, with a call to rid ourselves of false fears about the
foreign capital, -the desire to do things fast, without proper preparation of
those who have to implement the measures, with a reaffirmation, at the same
time that we will not step back or stop nor allow stigma and prejudice to the
non-state sector.
None of these factors over which has emphasized Raul is associated or has as its source of those voices right now to put some colleagues as the center of their attacks under a general label misnamed as centrism group that put Tyrian and trojan horses together and Girondins and Jacobins, appealing to a dangerous common factor, which is to include all those who disagree with their criteria or what they believe and defend as oficial.Lo criterion most helps the progress of the process in which it is engaged the Revolution, and its decision-making bodies, are not apologetic speeches to demonstrate that what they are doing is right hecho.Lo most help are serious and substantiated comments that indicate possible errors and shortcomings in what has been done or is being done to implement the principles and objectives enshrined in conceptualizing and proposals we can do them so they can get them into account in their decisiones.El 6 October 2016 came last year in the magazine Temas an article of mine titled major current weaknesses of the model, our prospects for socialism. I raise him that we have fully insured our socialist project and the risks to miscarry. Later I insist that the threat of a successful capitalist alternative is really great and is not a pessimistic and alarmist conceit, but simply a realistic forecast before which we must act. During the article I address the three major problems or untying Gordian knots and make concrete proposals on how hacerlo.No know if I have any reason or no what there wont. Hopefully awaken interest in readers of this post and decide to frankly discuss these propuestas.Fuente:
None of these factors over which has emphasized Raul is associated or has as its source of those voices right now to put some colleagues as the center of their attacks under a general label misnamed as centrism group that put Tyrian and trojan horses together and Girondins and Jacobins, appealing to a dangerous common factor, which is to include all those who disagree with their criteria or what they believe and defend as oficial.Lo criterion most helps the progress of the process in which it is engaged the Revolution, and its decision-making bodies, are not apologetic speeches to demonstrate that what they are doing is right hecho.Lo most help are serious and substantiated comments that indicate possible errors and shortcomings in what has been done or is being done to implement the principles and objectives enshrined in conceptualizing and proposals we can do them so they can get them into account in their decisiones.El 6 October 2016 came last year in the magazine Temas an article of mine titled major current weaknesses of the model, our prospects for socialism. I raise him that we have fully insured our socialist project and the risks to miscarry. Later I insist that the threat of a successful capitalist alternative is really great and is not a pessimistic and alarmist conceit, but simply a realistic forecast before which we must act. During the article I address the three major problems or untying Gordian knots and make concrete proposals on how hacerlo.No know if I have any reason or no what there wont. Hopefully awaken interest in readers of this post and decide to frankly discuss these propuestas.Fuente:
The Cuban
economy: updating the 2016 and 2017 first glance (I) By Jose Luis Rodriguez
July 18, 2017 | 28 Taken from Cubadebate After the fall of the economy in 2016,
where GDP fell by 0.9%, the Cuban economy has slowed the decline and achieved
growth of 1.1% during the first half of 2017 This result marks the fulfillment
of the essential target for the year, which has been back on the path of
economic growth. A brief account of what happened in the last two years shows
that after a 2015 in which the Cuban economy grew by 4.4% during 2016 there was
a contraction of around 1% of GDP, due to a set of adverse factors, among
which, fundamentally, noting the decline of oil supplies from Venezuela and the
reduction in prices and in the volume of a group of exports, which joined the
effects of factors adverse weather such as drought and losses caused by
hurricane Matthew. Indeed, according to international estimates, the supply of
Venezuelan oil fell about 109,300 barrels per day (B / D) in 2015, an estimated
87,550 B / D in 2016 to a 27% average [1] . The drop in imports was partially
offset by purchases in Algeria and later in Russia. At the same time, Cuban oil
equivalent production fell to 690 TM 3 million last year, as a result of the
downward trend that has been expressed for some years now, due to depletion of
several wells. The energy situation forced an adjustment in activity levels in
the country at the end of the first half of last year. In the above
difficulties the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, which hit the eastern end of
the island, with losses initially estimated at 1 484 million pesos in damages
and 42,338 homes were added. The element best performance last year was
tourism, as the number of visitors grew by 13%, reaching 4,000,000 35,577, they
estimated gross revenues reported approached 3 000 million. Evolution of the
Cuban economy in 2016 (%) 2016 (Plan) 2016 (Real) * GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT 2.0%
-0.9% 5.9 -Agriculture -0.3 -0.4 -4 -INDUSTRIA, 9 -INDUSTRIA AZUCARERA 2.2 -
-ZAFRA AZUCARERA (MTM) 500 1 900 -Mining -8.7 1 - 13.5 10.0 INVESTMENTS TOURISM
(GUEST) 5.0 13.0 -Tourism (INCOME MMUSD) - 3 000 MTM oil equivalent production
- 3 690 2.0 7.7 Average salary PESOS PRODUCTIVITY 2.2 - FISCAL DEFICIT / GDP
7.1 5.8 Notes: * estimated figures and official information. Sources: EIU
(2017); ONEI (2017); Murillo (2015); Cabrisas (2016 and 2017); Marrero (2017)
Granma (2017) II Considering its importance, an analysis of the performance of
the Cuban economy in the first half of 2017 must take into account -firstly-
the weight of external factors on the results. They stand exports of goods and
services between the external factors affecting the evolution of the Cuban
economy. Since 2015 a 31% decrease in total goods exports, hit by falling
prices and by reducing the physical volumes of a product group was recorded. In
2016 it is calculated an estimated goods exports 13.7% and 2017 a slight
recovery of 8.3% is predicted decrease again. Also in the services balance
further reductions will reach 28.6% between 2014 and 2017. [2] It is estimated
In this regard it should be noted that already in 2015 AEC drop in total
exports (goods and services) of 16.1% and according to EIU estimates, was
reported a similar figure for 2016 and a fall of 5.1% was estimated additional
this year. Detailing some of our key export items, in the case of nickel
average prices of 2016 showed a relapse to world market levels, which totaled a
decrease of -21.1% during the year. During the first half of 2017 these prices
fell again by 7.3%, where these movements are related to increases in stocks
worldwide and the incorporation or market exit leading producers such as
Indonesia or the Philippines. However, according to the World Bank, [3] the
average price of nickel reached TM 10 500 USD in 2017, although at the end of
June, the price was 9 278 USD. For the period 2018/2021 the estimated average
price is $ 11,903, 13.4% higher than forecast this year, but will be less than
achieved between 2014 and 2015, when it reached 14 378 USD. Additionally, these
revenues have been affected by reduced in 2016/2017 due to difficulties in
producing plants production. [4] For this year production of nickel and cobalt
in about 54,500 TM, below average in recent years located at 56000 TM figure is
forecast. [5] Sugar does not present an encouraging picture. The annual average
raw sugar price increased in 2016 coyunturalmente 33.3% to 18.20 cents per
pound compared to 13.60 in 2015, but the same low on time in the first 6 months
of 2017 33.4%, ranking only 13.68 cents at the end of June, although the World
Bank forecast for the year is 18.20 cents. It also predicts that the price will
remain the same on average until 2020, declined again slightly in 2021. The
price situation has now affected a higher crop in Brazil and other big
producers, who have turned to the production of raw sugar the cane before
destined to ethanol production due to low oil prices. In addition, the sugar
harvest in Cuba in 2016 fell below plan, reaching one million 500 thousand
metric tons of sugar and approximately 2017 harvest plan which foresaw again
reach 2 million 100 thousand TM- was breached, although it grew about 20% to
about 1 million 800 thousand MT. [6] In regard to exports average oil price of
WTI 2016 was USD 43.30 per barrel alone is forecast to increase on average to
55.00 in 2017, an increase of 27.0%. However, at the end of the first half of
this year the price of oil was at USD 46.04 a barrel, falling 14.7% in the last
6 months. In this regard it is also worth remembering that the plan of 2016 was
planned to export 558 thousand metric tons worth 228 million dollars, while in
2014 it sold 532 thousand metric tons worth 734 million, ie, in two years
export revenues derived planned down 68.9%. [7] By 2017 we can not expect a
substantial recovery in shipments of Venezuelan oil, so no significant
derivatives exports this year can be foreseen. As for the export of services
with regard to tourism, it shows the best performance among different sectors
of the economy. 2017 planned growth of 4%, which would bring the number of
tourists to 4.2 million. However, the number of visitors had grown by around
22.5% at the end of the first half of the year, reaching 2 million 620 thousand
tourists, representing a significant increase in revenues in this period can
approach the figure of 4 million 700 thousand visitors to stay an increase of
16.5% for the year, exceeding the plan by 11.9%. Logically this growth means
greater strain on all support services and supplies to serve a larger number of
visitors. Revenues related directly to tourism were 1 500 million in the first
half and is expected to reach 2755 million at the end of the year to the
rhythms predicted in the number of visitors. [8] Expedia input in Cuba joins
the other major companies in the US tourism industry as Starwood. At the close
of 2017, the visit of more than four million tourists to Cuba is estimated. As
for services, including services exports calificada- labor force estimates of
the balance of services exported from EIU estimate a decline of the same around
11.8% in 2016 and 8.5% in 2017. thus, in 2017 the results would be 30.4% lower
than the year 2013, considered the highest income. This decline in absolute
terms represents 2 920 million less in four years. [9] Taking into account that
tourism revenues have grown during this period, the reduction is probably due
to a contraction in revenues from services provided to Venezuela, due to the
economic situation. Similarly, the expected reduction in health care contracts
that exist with the government of Brazil is shaping up, given the political
situation in that country and declarations of self-government in this regard.
(Continued) [1] See Price Oil (2017) [2] See EIU (2017) ONEI (2016) [3] View WB
(2017) [4] Production of Nickel + Cobalt 2015 only reached 53,798 TM ,
reflecting a downward trend since 2012 of 20.9%. See ONEI (2017) [5] REUTERS
(2017). [6] See Granma (2017) [7] View Murillo (2015). [8] See Marrero (2017)
[9] See EIU (2017). Bibliography: -Cabrisas, Ricardo (2017) "Cuban Economy
Grows in the first half about 1.1%" in Cubadebate, July 14, 2017 in -Cabrisas, Ricardo (2017A) "Behavior Plan First semester
2017. economy "Granma, July 15, 2017. -Cabrisas, Ricardo (2016)"
After tense 2016 Cuba hopes to grow two percent in 2017 "Cubadebate,
December 27, 2016 in -Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
(2017) "Country Report Cuba" May 2017 - Granma (2017)
"Debt and potential of the sugar industry" July 11, 2017, p. 3. -The
Patilla (2016), "Algeria will send oil to Cuba after falling supplies from
Venezuela," September 8, 2016 in -Marrero, Manuel (2017)
"Information provided to the Commission Care Services ANPP
"TVCUBAVISION transmission, on 12 July 2017. -Murillo, Marino (2015)"
Involvement of Marino Murillo in ANPP on 29 December 2015, "transmission
by the TV channel Cubavisión December 30 of 2015 . -ONEI (2016)
"Statistical Yearbook 2015 Cuba" Havana -ONEI 2016 (2017)
"2016 Statistical Yearbook of Cuba" Havana, 2017 - Oil
Price Net (2017 ) "United Nations" Cuban exports of refined petroleum
products fell about 97% between 2013 and 2016 "May 9, 2017 in REUTERS (2017)" Cuba estimated to produce 54,500
tons of sulfur nickel and cobalt in 2017 "July 15, 2017 in
www.lta.reuters. com - World Bank (WB) (2017) "Commodity Price
Forecast" April
Vietnam's economy continues its growth stable and sustainable
Vinh Phong
Monday, May
21, 2018 | 17:06:48
The fifth session of the National Assembly of Vietnam (XIV legislature) was
inaugurated on May 21 in Hanoi. Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh presented
a government report on the additional assessment of the socio-economic
situation in 2017 and the first four months of this year, as well as their key
tasks in the future, which shows that the Vietnamese economy is experiencing
stable development. The government, ministries, sectors and localities have
implemented numerous solutions for socio-economic development and the fight
against corruption.
According to
the report, all sectors and levels will continue to work together to implement
the tasks and measures proposed, so that Vietnam's economy continues to develop
Economic indicators exceeded the goal set
According to
the 2017 report, Vietnam managed 7 of the 13 socioeconomic indicators. This is
a positive result. In particular, the growth rate of gross domestic product
(GDP) was 6.81%, the export volume increased by 21%, while the trade surplus
reached 2 000 900 million. Since the beginning of 2018 until now, the Consumer
Price Index (CPI) over the past four months increased by 2.8%, while core
inflation, 1.34%.
Along with
the active and flexible management of monetary policy, the Government also
provides timely assistance to lending institutions in difficulty, ensuring
liquidity and system security, stabilizing the interest rate, the exchange rate
and the market stable currency . State foreign reserves reached 63 billion 500
million dollars. Parallel to that, the government also aims to strengthen the
financial capacity of credit institutions and develop payment services, retail
and consumer credit. As for the results of socioeconomic development so far this
year, Hoa Binh Truong Vice Premier reported: "Economic growth in the first
quarter reached 7.38%, the highest in the last 10 years. The highlight is that
the agriculture sector grew by 4.05%, the industry and construction increased
by 9.7%, of which processing and manufacturing increased by 13.56%, and the
6.7% service. Production of industrial goods and building materials increased
dramatically. Exports continue to grow, with a turnover of nearly 74 billion
dollars in these four months. This result has contributed to opening up export
markets for some agricultural products. Meanwhile, the total volume of imports
increased by more than 10%, mainly in raw materials, materials and machinery,
as well as the trade surplus was 3 000 400 million, significantly contributing
to improve the balance of payments. Other than that, the government has
strengthened control of border trade and has taken preventive measures in
accordance with international commitments. "
government report also highlights that business investment environment
continues to improve and administrative reform has made progress. Provincial
Competitiveness Index has reached its highest level since 2005. The government
and local authorities have tried to improve policies for businesses and citizens,
especially regulations on investment, construction, land and environment. In
the first four months there were more than 41,000 newly established and more
than 11 thousand again be operated firms.
Macroeconomic stability, inflation control and economic growth
With the
motto "Discipline, integrity, action, creativity and efficiency", the
Government has implemented synchronously and effectively monetary and fiscal
policies, ensuring macroeconomic stability, controlling the average consumer
prices 4% increase and boosting growth GDP more than 6.7%. Henceforth, it will
continue its efforts to reduce the interest rate, especially in priority
sectors, stabilize the currency market, increase state reserves and improve
management capacity for credit institutions, credit quality and control
high-risk areas. In this regard, Deputy Chief Executive stressed: "We need
to effectively implement the Resolution of the Government on measures to
accelerate exports, trade promotion and market expansion, and simplify administrative
procedures, especially sectoral inspection, as well as apply trade defense
measures and technical barriers in accordance with international commitments,
improve management and control of imports to maintain a stable balance between
these and the volume of exports. In parallel, we must vigorously develop the
domestic market by building a system of synchronous and efficient distribution
in order to facilitate access of goods to rural, mountainous, remote and remote
areas of the country. "
Deputy Prime
Minister Truong Hoa Binh said the government continues to implement resolutions
of the Communist Party and the National Assembly of Vietnam on strategic
developments and restructuring of the economy in partnership with the renewal
of the growth model to take advantage of the opportunities that brings the
fourth Revolution Industrial.
planning mechanisms and policies in the sectors of industry and construction,
focusing on manufacturing, processing, manufacturing, agriculture and ancillary
industries linked to the value chain of multinational corporations they will be
Next to the
accelerated implementation of key infrastructure projects, the Executive will
encourage product diversification and production efficiency and the promotion of
national brands, in order to increase to 7.7% in GDP growth of industry and
construction in 2018.
Vietnamese economy aims to grow nearly 7% in 2018
The country maintains an impressive step in the rise of GDP, reducing
poverty and improving living standards of the population
July 18, 2017 22:07:26
Prime Minister demanded a stimulus to agricultural progress and development
of remote areas. Photo: VNA
a level of luxury in these times more than deceleration speeds, aims to grow
the Vietnamese economy in 2018, they say these days with discreet press glee
local media.
The news
agency VNA, for instance, glossing a recent directive of Prime Minister Nguyen
Xuan Phuc, according to which the scope of this and other economic goals is
unfailingly for the fight against waste and millimetric knowledge of missions
by each institution .
Of that
figure may seem ambitious, Vietnam is able to achieve, since in recent years
has been hovering in spite of the unfavorable international scenario and
naturally occurring factors such as floods, droughts and saline intrusion in
significant portions of its territory.
In 2016, for
example, gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 6.21% this year and should climb
to 6.7%. Envious figures already wanted for themselves any latitude nations.
It is said
quickly, but hast come to here has not been easy. They will understand well the
countries that have not had such a hard fate.
After being devastated in a war that the United States launched more than
260 million bombs (half a ton of explosives per capita), the Indochinese nation
expelled the aggressor, he licked his wounds and undertook an unprecedented
development path.
Vietnam is in transition to an open economy since 1986. In the shadow of
Doi Moi or renewal policy, the country harvested remarkable progress in various
sectors and underdeveloped, became a nation in developing and middle income.
In this
context, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc urged to cut unnecessary expenses and
inflated payrolls, to reorganize the administrative apparatus and to create
funds for the improvement of workers' wages.
He demanded
also prioritize national programs focused on reducing poverty, create more
jobs, stimulate agricultural progress and development of the areas set aside
and used to a greater extent advances in science and technology.
by the Doi Moi, the country maintains an impressive step in the rise of GDP,
reducing poverty and improving living standards of the population.
His entry
into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2007 and its affiliation with the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have led to full integration
into world trade, with a gradual reduction of tariffs.
Moreover, the liberalization of certain sectors also allows you to benefit from a significant flow of foreign investment, key to industrialización.Vietnam, in short, it has all the cards to keep growing at a frenetic pace. And it has more than demonstrated that can play. (PL)
1997-2017XX BandecCreciendo Anniversary together
Socialism and a better world will be possible
Socialism and a better world if possible - by Marcel Menendez de la Torre,
Industrial Engineer *
Cortez occasions, a natural, artificial or phenomenon
is the result of new generations and drive that they represent from a position
of humility against neo liberalism ...
I do not think particularly in the Democratic Party
nor the Republican; and yet I do believe in Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez, because I
believe that the era of superheroes and Superman, Batman, Spiderman and others
is coming to an end and I think we have to educate other society and must be
new values that are not given in the crime, use of weapons, arms races in
military spending and foreign bases; and yes, on the other hand, the power of
the people and for the people in a better world with better distribution of
wealth and national income, which is not manifest that the rich are still
getting richer and the poor remain getting poorer. I believe in social welfare,
believe in man and in humanity and believe that man must not necessarily be the
wolf devour itself and by the selfishness and the desire of money ...
Today when our Spain will continue to carry out media
campaigns against all governments and forms of governance that promote social
welfare, when these campaigns and perform against all national social sectors,
foreign, and political parties in one way or another deny the neo liberalism as
a form of administration and government and deny the supremacy of financial
oligarchies on society and on the humble, and proclaim to the four winds the
need for a more just and humane economic, society first, more equitable, more
appropriate in the solution of pressing issues such as health, education, work,
decent housing, electricity, water and other ... So far from the peninsula and
in the new continent new air renewal are manifesting to complete the air and
winds and storms initial Bolívar, Martí, Juárez and many other heroes who fought
for the independ ency and human dignity ...
Criticizing the Bolivarian revolution has become a
habit in the media of the Iberian peninsula and thus whatever and represent the
Chavismo, and representing the Sandinista revolutions, Bolivia, Brazil, in Ecuador
with their hard-earned time of Cuba, Caribbean with their movements dignity and
tolerance and many others would not have spaces for our means of which a high
percentage are controlled by the oligarchs and financial powers ... What they
will now do when they have to publish in the heart same in the United States, a
girl of only 28 years following the initial steps of Bernie Sanders and
extensive knowledge of the professional world with their careers in economics
and international relations and whose name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has
earned the position in new York against one of the most powerful politicians in
the Democratic party and has shown progressive image as the new democrat party
to the United States ... I know what will happen: as in other cases, look on
the other side ... But the day when they can no longer do so and will have to
receive it. with honors and merits ...
Much you will have to learn even the young about the
real possibilities of triumph, but unquestionably something is being generated
and moving because this humanity no longer supports can not withstand more
abuse and more inhuman humiliations and exploitations and differences ...
So what will the means of the peninsula of the new
generation led by this young woman of humble origin Puerto Rican mother and
father born in the Bronx; and he has been able to develop a game, a group of
"Democratic Socialist" surnames? Yes, the Democratic Socialist Party
of America (DSA) ... what say? ... dare to fight and criticize openly and
roughly the same as today make against the true democratic movements within the
Iberian peninsula itself and outside is? And continue to implement the most
ruthless, brutal and more liars without any tolerance and respect comparisons?
.. I call sanity, I call to reflection and knock learn to tolerate because it
does not fit you doubt that a better world is always possible and that the true
socialist soul, heart and utilities for society and not for himself, never
cease to defend the lower classes by their very nature ...
Example Ocasio-Cortez, is not new. Already in the last
elections in France, a candidate who fought until the end unfurled the flags of
a more just and equitable society in honor of the French Republic itself with
its slogans of "freedom - equality and fraternity" and under the
symbol of socialism. ..
Socialism is not dead. Revives today more than ever
against the oligarchies and new forms of administration that increasingly
manage more exploitation of men and women and make an unequal struggle is unleashed
on all orders and directions ... Socialism is a form of fairer, more equitable
and more real for economic and only under these real world conditions social
equilibrium state administration are achieved and manages to make man a more
just human ...
Let's get EXPERIENCES ...
We have only
tried to show different points of view and show that a better world more human,
more equitable, more just, more equal and more free is possible but for that,
all warlike drums of war must disappear and appear for the first time and with
justice the drums for a more real peace, true where man is not the predator of
humanity and of man himself where a more just system is born from the depths of
the caves and the soul of the most human, where every day the empires that
today they do dirty business with the arms industry disappear from humanity,
where the United Nations join and sanction the warring countries that have only
lived through exploitation and blackmail to the poorest countries that have been
singularly the richest in natural resources. A new human dignity must appear
and new values must be the considered, it is not about left and right, it is
a human world and equality, freedom and fraternity among all humans who so wish
to be called ... Others should not be classified as human and should be
discriminated against by humanity ...
There is no ENOUGH TIME AND PLACES for war we all fit in this world in peace and living in harmony and happiness ...
THE AUTHOR of the Dossier
There is no ENOUGH TIME AND PLACES for war we all fit in this world in peace and living in harmony and happiness ...
THE AUTHOR of the Dossier
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